Heather Mitchell-Gladstone
[Photo of Heather]
Accordion & Vocals

Heather has been an accomplished solo performer and highly respected teacher on the New Zealand music scene for many years. Her career has encompassed almost every field of musical endeavour, leading her to perform in a wide variety of venues around the world. As well as playing the accordion and piano, she has been singing professionally for a number of years, becoming a highly sought after musician for solo and group performances in many concerts, festivals, shows, clubs and restaurants.

Heather has expanded her vocal and instrumental repertoire to include folk music, classics, jazz, shows and popular ballads. Her appearances are always well received in NZ, Australia, USA, Britain and Europe, where she performs on a regular basis.

Heather has a Bachelor of Music degree in education and composition which has proved valuable while working extensively in numerous musical programs. She has an Honours Degree in Music Education which provides the basis for directing and teaching through her own music school, specialising in vocal technique for all ages, abilities and musical styles. Her students are also beginning to make their mark in professional circles around the world.

Heather Mitchell-Gladstone is a director of her own School of Music. Tuition is available for the following:

Accordion & Piano tuition
Beginners to advanced students, all styles of music taught.

Individual lessons, all ages and musical styles, including popular, classical jazz, folk. Examination work if required - preparation for auditions, groups by arrangement.

Theory & Aural training
Beginners to Diploma and University level.

Heather Mitchell-Gladstone
414B Memorial Ave
New Zealand
Cell: +64 21 644 092